Penny Wong has accused the Coalition of disregarding calls from the intelligence community to cool down rhetoric during a fiery exchange in senate estimates.
The Foreign Minister was grilled on a plethora of foreign policy issues when she fronted Senate Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Legislation Committee on Thursday.
Labor’s management of the Australia-Israel relationship was a hot topic, with the hearing descending into a mud-slinging match over which major party was abandoning bipartisan backing for a two-state solution for Israel and Palestine.
“Do you agree that, in fact, there is a substantive difference between the parties of government on the question of Australia’s foreign policy towards Israel?” Coalition senator James Paterson asked Senator Wong.
Labor’s top diplomat replied: “I think I do agree that (Peter) Dutton, I don’t believe, has ever expressed support for two states.”
Coalition senator James Paterson clashed with Foreign Minister Penny Wong over Australia’s backing for a two-state solution between Israel and Palestine. Picture: NewsWire / Martin Ollman
Following an objection from Senator Paterson, she said she would be “very happy to see it” if the Opposition Leader did support a two-state solution.
She continued: “I do believe that it’s true that (Liberal senator Dave) Sharma hosted an event at parliament for an organisation that is supportive only of one state.
“And I do believe, as I’ve made clear on anti-Semitism, that some of your party have chosen to make this a partisan political issue, and I have (a) long standing position … of believing that the major parties should stand together in the face of all forms of prejudice, including anti-Semitism.”
Senator Paterson took issue with Senator Wong referencing his colleague’s meeting with the Australian Jewish Association, which other Australian Jewish groups have distanced themselves from and called “fringe”.
“Have you ever met with someone who doesn’t support the two state solution?” he shot back.
Senator Wong said it was not “just meeting” but “hosting them in Parliament House”.
“So it’s up to Mr Sharma to explain that,” she said.
“My position is that I support two states.”
Senator Wong says Australia’s official position on a two-state solution has not changed under Labor. Picture: NewsWire / Martin Ollman
Her opposition questioner pushed on, pointing out that she had met with pro-Palestine activist Nasser Mashni, who has made a litany of controversial statements.
“Are you aware that Mr Mashni is opposed to a two state solution and has also called for an end to the peace process?” Senator Paterson asked.
Senator Wong said she relayed the “Australian government’s position” to Mr Mashni when they met.
After some back and forth, Senator Wong took on notice that she would confirm if she met with Mr Mashni more than once noting that the Mr referred to happened before Hamas’ brutal October 7 assault on Israel.
Meanwhile, Senator Paterson conceded “we all meet with people in this game, often people we disagree with”.
But just as the pair appeared to strike cordial note, they swiftly returned to hurling verbal barbs, with Senator Paterson suggesting Mr Mashni influenced the Albanese government’s decision to refuse a former Israeli official a visa.
Controversial pro-Palestine activist Nasser Mashni has met with both Senator Wong and her former opposition counterpart Simon Birmingham. Picture: NewsWire / Tony Gough
Senator Wong questioned the truthfulness of the claim and referred it to Home Affairs.
But Senator Paterson insisted he wanted to get Senator Wong’s thoughts.
“I have made my views on Mr Mashni’s comments clear,” she replied.
“So can you just accept that? It may not be what you want for the purposes of creating more division at home.
“I find it remarkable that the Coalition is so intent on making partisan gains on this … you do not listen to what the head of ASIO says.”
Australian Security Intelligence Organisation chief Mike Burgess has repeatedly called on politicians to tone down the rhetoric since raising the terror threat level last year.
He has said explosive language was contributing to an environment in which radicalism was thriving.
“It is remarkable,” Senator Wong continued.
“He says turn the temperature down and you constantly try to turn it up. It’s not responsible.”
Israel snub claim rejected
Earlier, it was revealed Senator Wong did not meet with Israeli diplomats on the sidelines of a high-level UN summit last year where she called for a “clear timeline for the international declaration of Palestinian statehood”.
Senator Wong did, however, meet with members of the Iranian delegation, whose country launched a barrage of missiles on Australia’s Middle East ally a little more than a week later.
She said at the time that she “pressed Iran for regional de-escalation and restraint”.
Senator Wong defended the optics when Senator Sharma asked about her meetings.
“Obviously, we have a number of engagements,” she said.
“Had the (Israeli) Foreign Minister attended, I would have had that opportunity.”
The former ambassador to Israel pressed further, asking whether Senator Wong sought “a meeting with Israel or Israel’s representative”.
“My counterpart didn’t attend,” she replied.
Senator Sharma pointed out both Israel’s prime minister and permanent UN representative was there.
Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade assistant secretary Marc Innes-Brown said Australian officials did seek a meeting with Israeli counterparts but the Israeli foreign minister could not attend.
“We did seek a meeting with Foreign Minister Katz; however, we were later advised he wasn’t attending,” Mr Innes-Brown said.
Foreign Minister Penny Wong did not meet with Israeli diplomats at the UN General Assembly late last year but did meet with Iranian representatives. Picture: NewsWire / Martin Ollman
Senator Wong also attended the International Peace Institute’s Ministerial Working Dinner on the Middle East, which was attended by Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, the West Bank Palestinian Authority, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar.
Senator Wong was also quizzed by Senator Paterson about Australia changing its position from abstaining to voting in favour of UN motions on Israel-Palestine.
This included a motion on recognising Palestine’s permanent sovereignty over natural resources and, later in December, Australia’s support of voting in favour of a ceasefire in Gaza.
However, Senator Paterson said the wording “failed to condemn Hamas or hold it to account in any way”.
Senator Wong said the motions were about “specific propositions”.
“I don’t think it is correct for you to say as a general proposition that all of these votes are change position,” she said.
“There is a range of different propositions, some of which we have returned to positions Australia previously held, some of which are different positions, so the positions that we have taken have been positions that have been supported by many of our like-minded partners.”
Speaking about the conflict more broadly, Senator Wong said Australia took a “principled view”.
“I think we all know that the key near-term issue is to urge that the ceasefire hold and that hostages are returned,” she said.
“This is a conflict that is deeply distressing. It’s deeply distressing for many in the Australian community, many of whom hold different views. I have sought to work to not bring the conflict here.”
Clash over Palestine
Meanwhile, independent senator Lidia Thorpe attempted to up-end the senate estimates hearing, unleashing a series of verbal attacks on Senator Wong over the Albanese government’s handling of the war in Gaza.
“When are you going to stand up and call out the genocide against Palestinian people,” Senator Thorpe asked.
Previously, Senator Thorpe also questioned whether the government’s stance against Israeli companies made Australia “complicit” to genocide – a claim that DFAT official Craig Maclachlan rebuffed.
Senator Wong rejected the crossbencher’s remarks, asking her: “When will you turn the temperature down?”
“We have made our position clear but what you want is a political conflict in this country. It does you no credit,” she added.
Senator Thorpe was heard saying: “Shame on you minister Wong, shame on you” before another senator took over questions.
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